Hello fellow-euphoria seeker. I hope you like sunshine.
As is my custom, whenever I make an inaugural post in a new blog, I like to offer a few words of explanation so that the reader always knows what to expect. I figure it's the least I can do for anyone who is willing to take time out of his busy day to read the trivial musings of this un-published, un-heralded, recreational writer lacking any semblance of literary credentials... Apart from being somewhat above average at Scrabble.
Truth be told, this blog is not really a standalone entity. I mean, I guess you could spend a few minutes every month letting me blow rainbows and butterflies in your face, but if you're anything like me, sooner or later, you're going to want something a little edgier, a little more rakish, dare I say, a little more Angry. In those cases, I invite you to meet my friend: Angry Square (angrysquare.blogspot.com). For those of you who are already familiar with Angry Square, consider me his emasculated, goody-two-shoes cousin.
I stopped writing in Angry Square because I was worried people were beginning to think of me as a snarky, cynical little brat, constantly piddling about the many ways in which the cosmos had recently done me wrong. In reality, though, I am a glass-half-full, cry at sappy movies, baby-hugging kind of guy. And with the advent of my new blog (and the come back of my old one) you will get to see both sides of my polarized and polarizing personality, in all of its dichotomous glory.
Happy reading, and be sure to spread the love.
soooo does this mean if I make a comment here that makes you mad - the worst you can do is send me the care bear stare?